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The Great Beauty of Rome COD. ISBN 9788820057138
Non Fiction

The Great Beauty of Rome

Costantino D'Orazio

Pagine 112
Anno di uscita 2014
Prezzo € 10,00
«It takes more than being an art history expert to pinpoint the beguiling locations in which Paolo Sorrentino set his movie The Great Beauty. One must know the city to its core and have explored its most secret and hidden corners, places rarely mentioned in any guide book.» Costantino D'Orazio has explored for years his native city, revealing its most magical and mysterious places, and providing an insider¿s view of the city's soul previously unknown to tourists. Prompted by the act of love that Academy Award winner Paolo Sorrentino dedicated to the Eternal City, D'Orazio takes the reader on a journey through the locations featured in the film, blending passion and documentary precision. From the Janiculum Hill in the opening scenes to the stunning rooftops where parties and self-important conversations between the movie's characters are held, to the Villa Medici gardens where D'Orazio retraces Jep and Ramona's steps, to the EUR, where Sorrentino ingeniously created a luxury boutique inside the EUR Fountain Hall. The book navigates through the movie's fictitious use of actual locations (Jep's garden is, in reality, a few hundred meters from the terrace¿) and is a must-read for those who want to see Rome through different eyes and for everyone who loved the fi lm. Readers will enjoy savoring the «great beauty» of the most beautiful city in the world.
Costantino D'Orazio

Costantino D'Orazio

Costantino D'Orazio è storico dell'arte e funzionario della Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Collabora con l'Università LUISS e la Link University. Conduce la rubrica AR Frammenti d'Arte su Rainews24, il programma Bella davvero su Radio2 ed è l'esperto d'arte di Unomattina su Rai1. Per Sperling & Kupfer ha pubblicato Caravaggio segreto, La Roma segreta del film La Grande Bellezza, Raffaello segreto, Michelangelo. Io sono fuoco, Leonardo svelato e il romanzo Ma liberaci dal male. I suoi libri sono stati tradotti in numerosi Paesi.

Instagram @costantinodorazio


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